Who we serve

Western Premium Brands

We specialise in guiding Western brands seeking entry into the Chinese market, catering to a variety of objectives, from enhancing brand awareness to propelling business expansion in the world's second-largest economy.

Our services are tailored for brands in need of comprehensive recommendations on commencing their journey in China, encompassing diverse business models, necessary investments, and projected ROI.

Our expertise spans across multiple sectors, including Luxury goods, watches & jewellery, fashion (including licensed fashion brands), cosmetics, and premium FMCG.

Local Chinese Partners

We act as your intermediary, liaising with local Chinese agencies, e-commerce trade partners, and distributors, ensuring seamless communication and collaboration.

Furthermore, our China-based partners may require a Western representative to engage with Western brands. We facilitate dialogue, negotiate terms, and establish common ground for enduring, successful partnerships.

Our partners are enthusiastic about aiding brands in their China expansion while nurturing their own business growth. Some are also exploring opportunities for Sino-Foreign Joint Ventures, fostering collaboration between Western brands and local entities.